Version 6.51 from 15 November 1999 We regret to inform our users that a few errors have found their way into version 6.50, which are, however, eliminated with this upgrade release: 1. The OPEN command functioned only as OPEN "I" and OPEN "O". All other variations utilized OPEN "O". This could result in possible computer crashes. Version 6.51 has fixed this problem and all OPEN commands once again function perfectly. 2. A double-click together with a depressed [Shift] key applied to a procedure or function name used to jump the cursor to the position where the procedure or function is defined. Since this clashes with the new option of modifying block limits using the [Shift] key plus mouse button, you can now use the [Alt] key plus a double-click to jump to the procedure/function definition. The input buffer for OPEN "P" and OPEN "V" has been increased so that better data transfers with higher speeds is possible using the serial interfaces. In addition, a status query has been integrated, preventing that the operating system winds up in an infinite loop if a connected device does not respond. Version 6.50 from 1 Nov. 1999 The most important new feature of this version is the integrated Source Code Debugger. The debugger may be used to run through your program in single steps while monitoring the content of variables and memory cells as well as being able to step into and step out of procedures and functions. There is also an animation mode, which may be used to run a program in something akin to slow-motion. The debugger is thus best suited to find errors and for didactic purposes to clarify, e.g., the working of algorithms step by step. To avoid overlaps with the special characters that can be called using the [Alt] key, the default setting for Shortcuts in the file NEWOMBAS.INF has been changed.. If you have already gotten used to the past setup you can,of course, continue to use your old NEWOMBAS.INF file. Block Start and Block End can now also be modified by pushing the [Shift] key together with the mouse button. Moreover, some errors occurring with certain Matrix Operations have been eliminated. Version 6.32 from 16 August 1999 This version makes four new BASIC commands available to the user: SPOKE, DPOKE, SPEEK, and DPEEK enable the direct writing or reading of floating point numbers with single and double precision. Now the compiler recognizes if procedures or functions accidentally have been defined twice. In these cases, the compiler window will issue a warning, the compiling process itself, however, will continue. The Extension Library was expanded by seven new functions or procedures respectively: FN Get_Scrap$(Type) and Put_Scrap$(Type,Txt$) serve the reading and writing of data to the clipboard. FN Memory_To_String$(Mem_Adr,Length) and String_To_Memory(Txt$,Mem_Adr) enable a very rapid copying of memory contents into an Omikron Basic string and vice versa. FN Get_Front_Process#, Set_Front_Process(Psn#), and FN Get_Process_Path$(Psn#) offer the programmer active process management. The Compatability with MBASIC has been improved. Thus, only few manual modifications are neccessary to import old MBASIC programs into Omikron Basic. And we eliminated a few minor problems, of course, which had snug in again since version 6.30. Version 6.31 from 18 June, 1999 With this new release Omikron Basic is also available as a cost effective download version which also allows online updates from our website for registered Omikron Basic users. Starting with this version all diolog boxes of the editor support block operations. Arbitrary background colors can be assigned to the Omikron Basic output windows. For this purpose you use the command Set_Print_Back_Color from the Extension Library. Version 6.30 from 12 May, 1999 Many people asked for it and we brought it back: the command OPEN "F" is once again available. It may be used to query the different properties (size, date of creation...) of a file or a folder and also to search for specific files within a folder. Now it is also possible to use Omikron Basic to generate so-called shared libraries and plugins. For this purpose the compiler control words COMPILER "shlb" and COMPILER "File_Type XXXX" as well as the commands EXPORT, EXPORT_MAIN, EXPORT_INIT, and EXPORT_EXIT have been introduced. DEF FNEX may now be used to define functions, which may be called by other programs. These programs may also be written in other programming languages (e.g., C, Pascal, FORTRAN ...). These functions are required if, for example, one wants to pass pointers of call-back routines to the operating system or would like to program shared libraries and plugins, respectively. The MAC OS command was expanded by one optional parameter, which means one can now also import pure data. Moreover, it is now possible to define the import as "weak" (very important when writing programs which are to use the properties of new operating systems while continuing to be able to run on older systems as well). The maximum program line length can now be adjusted. In turn, the option to store program lines as Pascal strings has been eliminated since lines with more than 255 characters are not useable with this option anyhow and the created files can be read by only a very few text editors. The command FILESELECT now uses the new File Navigation Services, if they are available (standard function starting with System 8.5). The editor and the Omikron Basic output window now use proportional window scroll bars if the Appearance Manager is present (standard starting with System 8.0). Smart scrolling (window content follows the scroll bar in real time) is now supported as well if the operating system has this capability. The prompt in case of INPUT commands can now also consist of individual strings and string expressions, which are each separated by a semicolon. In the case of INPUT USING, the parameters behind USING can once again be left off one by one. The following errors were eliminated as well: RESUME and RESUME NEXT now jump to the correct location even if the error line contains a procedure or function call. LINE INPUT can now correctly read and enter an entire line. |
Version 6.25 from 18 January, 1999 The command SHR functions now
correctly even if the right side does not contain any constant but a numerical expression instead. Version 6.23 vom 17.9.1998 Version 6.22 from August 17, 1998 Version 6.21 from 27 July, 1998 Version 6.20 from 14 July, 1998 Version 6.14 from 22 February, 1998 Omikron Basic now attempts to round up or down when translating floating point numbers into strings. For example,
0.999999.... is output as 1. Other programs can now be launched as child processes using EXEC. |
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